According to the official site, there are 3 types of computers available at NASA. These systems have different specifications and distinct differences that need to be considered before buying one. Some of them include workstations, laptops, servers, and ruggedized mobile PCs among others. So, we will see what kind of product NASA uses for its daily projects.

What Computer Does NASA Use

Which type of Computer is used in NASA?


1. Workstations

A workstation is one of the most commonly used computing devices in NASA because it helps many scientists do some calculations, conduct simulations, share files or make presentations. The average price of this type of system ranges from $900 to $1100 per unit. It’s an excellent option when you want your project to remain simple and easy for any person to understand. Its key features include two displays, keyboard, mouse, and a monitor with integrated speakers. This device has very high speed as well as low power usage thus making operations quicker and easier to handle. Due to its size, the workstation is quite large (about 7.5. feet long) and heavy making it cumbersome. You are advised not to leave it unattended while working on your tasks as the internal components might break down due to its weight. A typical user needs about 1-2 hours to complete all work or programs but it also requires attention from others like the users who are responsible for maintenance work. However, the performance of these machines depends upon the operating system installed in the machine. For instance, if you use Microsoft Windows OS then such a system could be more efficient than other options like Ubuntu Linux as they perform better. If you choose Mac OS, Google Chrome, etc., then you would experience lower performance as compared with windows. This is why NASA prefers using Microsoft Windows OS for workstations as it comes pre-installed with several applications and utilities that can help users keep up in productivity.

2. Laptops

The second choice is laptop since it is relatively less expensive than workstations although it still offers great performance. With the rising demand for scientific research it became extremely rare to find people willing to buy a desktop which only takes 2 to 6 hours to boot up. With the increasing number of students who prefer working from home rather than going to school, finding a suitable device was increasingly becoming difficult to achieve. Also, some manufacturers like Lenovo, Apple, HP, Dell, etc. offer good deals on laptops, so users are forced to consider various alternatives and choose the right one. Many organizations such as MIT, Harvard University, and Cambridge University among others are using laptops to run their experiments and studies. As compared to workstations, this type of equipment is extremely lightweight; yet, it delivers powerful and more reliable performance. Moreover, you can get access to apps that are helpful for various applications. Another reason why NASA chose the laptop over desktops is its compact size which makes it convenient to carry around. Hence, it is recommended for every student who wants to continue their education even after college. One should select laptops with maximum RAM and storage space which can store multiple tabs simultaneously and also provide enough screen space for effective multitasking. Moreover, laptops can connect to USB ports for data transfer but you must install software called iWork for managing USB connections. It works efficiently by enabling you to manage both network and peripheral devices at once. Furthermore, because of its portable nature, you can carry it anywhere without losing anything as needed to do your assignments. While traveling you might also want to take with you a few copies of your documents. Therefore, it is advised to always purchase a laptop that comes with sufficient storage space and memory to support your tasks. Apart from laptops, another type of computer is server which is used to store and process information in real-time. Unlike laptops which come with limited RAM storage space, servers perform better as they have additional room. They offer much faster processing speeds as compare to laptops as they can process large amounts of data at once. To operate servers, you need to install a robust operating system like Windows Server 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2016. As opposed to laptops, servers can go for higher prices. Thus, depending on how advanced you are when it comes to science, you will have to spend more money to purchase a server. But once you start utilizing them, especially with certain companies, it becomes economical. However, depending upon the capabilities of your organization, you may require high costs due to their high prices.

3. Robotic Mobile Devices

When talking about the last type of computer, robotic mobile devices, it refers to those items that make life more convenient. Although it isn’t widely believed to be necessary, robots actually can enhance our lives by doing routine activities that humans cannot. In addition, robots are very useful in performing hazardous tasks that people can’t do. Even though we can create them, they seem so farfetched and unrealistic that many think that this technology is never going to become reality. Yet, here we are witnessing the gradual progress of robotics that shows promise for enhancing human lives through automation. There is no doubt that if robots are able to replace humans then our future is bright. Here’s the list of the top 5 robotic technologies that NASA uses for day-to-day business operation.

1. Spacecraft navigation

This system allows satellites of different sizes are constantly floating on the Earth’s orbit and communicating with each other through signals. Since NASA is planning new missions, it frequently sends out satellite images. Navigation satellite is used mainly by pilots or astronauts so that they know where to land or explore new places. Once the pilot/ astronaut locates the intended place they need to enter into it via control terminal and monitor it during their journey. On its part, this process happens periodically and hence it’s referred as spacecraft navigation. Besides controlling spacecraft, spacecraft navigation is also important for tracking natural resources and weather patterns. NASA often uses SAR satellites to track changes in climate change over time. By obtaining this map they can accurately predict where to focus their efforts next.

2. Communication Satellite System

Communication satellites are primarily used for communications between different parts of earth’s surface as well as across continents. Being the largest objects orbiting the Earth, communication satellites are used because they allow the monitoring of global health trends, pollution levels, and economic growth in the world. Other reasons include getting information to remote locations and exploring new destinations. Sometimes, these satellites are carried out by rockets and hence they are known as launch or rocket communication satellites. They can be found almost everywhere in different states like Los Angeles, Washington DC, Sydney etc. Because GPS coordinates are easily accessible via voice commands, most communications satellites are equipped with sophisticated antennas. Moreover, satellites can detect any moving object that comes closer such as cars, planes, airplanes, etc. by analyzing their radio waves with huge capacity. It’s been seen that if these satellites were launched back to earth the US air traffic could be affected. But nowadays, the internet is fast growing so it would be impossible to rely on satellite services due to an overwhelming amount of content. At times when the satellites are in low orbit their location is dependent upon the strength and direction of the wind that blows or the current position of the sun. If the winds blow away, then their course will also shift and hence sometimes it affects the direction of their movements. That means if our flights stop abruptly, this is not the fault of the satellites as they are perfectly designed to cope with such circumstances. Similarly, if we lose connection with the internet we can’t be sure that we’ve lost the ability to communicate with our loved ones due to the failure of internet signals. This is just one example of the benefits of satellite communication.

3. Radar Communications

Radar communication is a form of communication that utilizes radar signals sent across different distances via microwaves. Each time the microwave receives a signal it records it, filters it by comparing it with an already stored database of previous microwave transmitters, finds out how strong the signal is, and then gives us results. When the transmission of microwaves reaches outer space, a receiver detects the received signal. Then it compares it with data stored elsewhere. As a result, the sending station’s ground control center can determine exactly where the incoming signal came from, and send directions to reach them.

4. Spinning Electron Device

Spinning electron devices or microelectron devices, also referred to as micromachines or MEMS, have existed for 20 years now. Initially, people were scared of microelectron devices because they weren’t clear in terms of functionality but time showed that these devices were really capable of doing remarkable things like saving batteries of cell phones and even delivering food. Microelectron devices are extremely tiny devices manufactured in miniature (100 microns or smaller), usually using integrated circuits of silicon or germanium. Micromachines can send electric impulses to sensors by manipulating electrons. When we send an impulse the microelectron spins around and releases electrical charge which travels towards the receiver. Microelectron devices usually consist of four main elements; electrodes, interconnecting wires, sensors, and motors.

5. Telepresence Projector Systems

While creating telepresence video games, designers, developers, programmers, audio technicians, engineers, researchers, and directors utilize special software developed using high-definition technology for displaying video images. Usually, we see the screens and the characters appear when you point your camera towards the display screen when moving it up or down. Normally one uses either headphones, microphone, headset to hear a movie. All of these technologies are essential when playing this game. Today, virtual and augmented reality technologies are increasingly replacing traditional video production. Instead of viewing video footage, artists can put themselves inside a character with motion-based controllers or wear goggles and see everything happening around them. They don’t see light or color but feel.

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